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Teodori Luca

A physicist student website

I'm Luca Teodori, a PhD student in the Helmholtz-Weizmann school on multimessenger astronomy, currently in Weizmann Institute. This is my website; here I will put some notes and other things I made during my bachelor and master studies. interesting.

More related to my PhD work, here there is my github page, where there are my various codes and projects, whereas here you can find my Inspire profile.

  • Master thesis

  • For my master thesis I worked on topics regarding large scale structure formation. In particular, I used the so called "kinetic field theory" approach to study the evolution of simple primordial power spectra.

    Kinetic field theory is a microscopic, non equilibrium statistical field theory that can be accustomed to treat large scale structure formation. Due to its features, it overcomes some difficulties arising in other perturbative approach, the most famous being shell crossing. In particular, one can use a Born approximation-like technique applied in kinetic field theory setting, that was proven to be particularly trustworthy compared to N-body simulations, to probe the non linear evolution of simplified primordial power spectra.

    You can find here all the codes I used for my master thesis, together with the pdf file of the master thesis.

  • Heraeus summer school talk

  • On September 2019 I participated into the Heraeus Summer School as a student of Padova University. Here I put the slides for the talk we Padova students did for that occasion.

  • Quantum Field Theory notes

  • I contributed, together with other students, in writing the notes for the Quantum Field Theory course held by Prof. Marco Matone in Padova University during the academic year 2018/2019. Here the link where to find them.

  • Cosmology thesis

    Here I put the cosmology thesis I did for my Cosmology 2 exam, in Padova University, concerning the path integral approach in cosmological perturbation theory.

  • Turbulence meets active matter project

  • Here I put the project I did for my "turbulence meets active matter" course, held in Goettingen University (during my Erasmus program) in the academic year 2018/2019.

  • Physics laboratory reports

  • Here I put the reports I did for my physics laboratory course, held in Padova University in the academic year 2017/2018.

  • Bachelor thesis

  • You can find here the pdf of my thesis for the bachelor degree in physics at the university of Pavia, regarding "A common framework for entropy in thermodynamics and quantum information theory", with the supervision of Prof. Paolo Perinotti. The idea is to use the axiomatic approach of Lieb and Yngvason to thermodynamics and use it to describe also quantum-information related entropies.

  • Laboratory 3 reports

  • I put here the reports I have written in for the laboratory 3 exam, held at Pavia university, academic year 2016/2017.

  • Structure of matter formulary

  • I put here a brief formulary on structure of matter, that I find useful in order to sustain the written part of the relative exam I did during my bachelor in Pavia University, academic year 2016/2017.

  • Notes on linear algebra

  • Here you can find the notes on linear algebra and geometry I have written in italian for my activity as a tutor on Collegio Alessandro Volta.

"There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question" Carl Sagan